Monday, June 26, 2006

Measuring Your Maturity

It's easy to tell the truth when things are going your way. But, when money is tight, times are hard, relationships are strained, and the only difference between success and failure is so small that only you and God would know the difference, that is when your character, your integrity, your trust that God is big enough, will be put to the test.

"When a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said" (Numbers 30:2 NIV).

Today, our task is simple - look for the moments when things aren't going your way. You may be in one right now. If so, ask yourself: "Is what I am saying exactly what I would say if everything were going perfectly?.

When the answer is an unqualified "yes"
and only then
open your mouth and speak.

I got so good at telling "white lies" for so long that I began to lose sight of the difference between truth and fiction. Today, I struggle with that area of spiritual maturity. And now, I win, but not without God's help and the loud, clear, admonishing voice of the Holy Spirit. Do you realize, because I didn't at the time, that your lie is a vociferous broadcast to the God who loves you, that you think He's big enough to handle eternity, but not big enough to handle the critical areas of your well-being?

The battle over integrity is never about what we would gain in the moment, but about what we would lose long-term in the habit of spreading falsehood over and over. It's like an investment in character - miss a payment to your Roth IRA one month, no big deal. Fail to invest over a five year period, and you're a million and a half off your goal in the end.

It doesn't mature. Character is the same way.

So, there's the question, and a possible answer - "Are you mature enough in your character and relationship with Him to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

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