Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Field Trip - Precious or Porn?

Wednesday is our day to bring up issues or purity or relationships. For our field trip today, we're going offsite to an Albert Mohler article, I'd like to direct your attention to the slippery slope of "erotica" versus "pornography". First, I believe that if we read the Bible cover to cover, regardless of whether we take it seriously or not, we see that "sexual immorality" could most cogently be described as "anything that points toward sex outside of marriage". This definition in mind, there is no difference between erotica and pornography - neither have any place in front of my eyes.

What grieves me today is the article linked below. There are a handful of artists who insist that there is a very clear line between erotica and pornography, all the while blurring the line between decency and disgust. There is nothing graphic in this article, but I still find it disturbing.

The Ever-blurring Line Between Art and Sick...

All jokes about Alabama aside, I think their court system may have gotten this one right. No, I'm sure they got this one right.

Your comments appreciated, as usual, especially if you think I'm a conservative, fundamentalist, right wing psycho bent on conforming society and the government to some narrow-minded first century philosophy.

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