Thursday, October 27, 2005


Most of you know I started a new career last week. While on a job site yesterday, I saw a page prominently hung on the wall over a young lady's desk. It said:

Your gifts and talents can take you to great places in work and in life.
It is your character that will keep you there.

I met the most amazing woman when I went to Los Angeles this month. This is not a romantic reference. I am saying that I met someone of clear intellect who lives her life with character, by principle, not pretension. Are you encouraged by the fact that women exist who have not fallen for the lie that "image is everything", "it's not who you are, it's who you know". Let's just say this: Lores, has written an article that sets this type of woman apart - not because of her political affiliation, faith, or any other superficial title. This is the example we are trying to set here - that all are welcome, none are more or less important, but that God has a life for us to lead that is demanding, difficult, and disciplined, but rewarding, relationally rich, and 'rithmetic. (Couldn't find another "r" off the top of my head, and we were getting a bit too serious.)

For now, just check this out: and visit this blog and hers more often - we will talk more about character, responsibility, humility, integrity, purity, modesty - all in ways that I once thought were either weak or irrelevant, but now see as answers to many of the greatest problems our society suffers.

Thanks for reading. Pass this blog on, will ya?
Grace and peace,

P.S. For those who do pray, please keep my family in your utterances - we just lost a very unique and warm aunt this week and discovered that there are many of us around the country unable to attend the funeral - comfort them while they handle the difficulties surrounding Aunt Betsy's passing.

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