Monday, November 14, 2005

In the name of Allah...

I try to stay out of political discussions when I can, but my big mouth opens up and words spray out in a very Brian Regan kind of way (Oh, NO! The WORDSARECOMINGOUT!!!) I'm likely well known for my lack of understanding and perspective on world events, but today I had to side with a wise Jewish scholar, Dennis Prager, who poses five very poignant and interesting questions to the Muslim community. Dennis is a scholar well versed in the Middle East conflict and many other contemporary political issues. His show is on KRLA radio in Los Angeles and broadcast live on 920WGKA Atlanta from 12PM to 2PM EST on weekdays.
His questions are pointed, but not pointy, and could lead to a very important dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims who truly care to know the truth and build bridges between the two communities. (HT:Lores the Lovely and Godly.)
Please encourage this dialogue to move forward. Send your educated Muslim friends here and help us all to understand the answers to these questions, or if these questions are unfair, what questions we should be asking.

Grace and Peace,

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