Tuesday, October 18, 2005


This is our inaugural post. Thank you for visiting. I started this blog because as a non-believer, I have been increasingly frustrated with the many wrongs that Chrsitians have done all in the name of "God". This is especially difficult to deal with now that I AM a believer. Imagine waking up one morning as the head of a PR firm that defends Dow Chemicals. How could you champion the cause of a corporation with a record for pollution a mile long? Sure they create solvents, paper, and even cleaners, but the byproducts have wreaked havoc with the environment!
It is challenging to know the message that God says "come as you are, I'll clean you up" is being twisted by people within His very church to make them feel guilty, dirty, and ashamed. I listened in awe today as I heard a pornographer state
"I think religion is the most destructive and hurtful industry in the world."

That's not the gospel.
That's because of people, just like you and I if you're a believer, that have misbehaved, misjudged, and mistreated others, thereby misrepresenting the Brand. Doesn't the Bible teach "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5.8)? Doesn't it teach "we were by nature objects of wrath. But... God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ even while we were dead in transgressions.(Eph. 2.4-5)"? Isn't it written: "...in humility consider others better than yourselves (Phil. 2.3b)"?
I want to hear your take on this. What confusions do you have about Christianity? What concerns you about "Christians"? What is the worst treatment you've ever received from a "professed" Christian? What is the worst I've ever done to you? The way I read it, Christianity is more about the life change that happens when faith intersects with faithfulness. How can we spread that message if we can't connect person to person, honestly, transparently, and with true confession? I'll repent, will you be a partner in that process? Your comments are invited and welcome. Please, though, respect that I do intend to keep this website free of profanity. I do not edit posts, but I will delete them if we're using unnecessary language - this does not mean that truth needs be suppressed, but use sound judgement. We will tackle difficult subjects: homosexuality, divorce, hypocrisy, pornography, just try to keep the language appropriate.
Holy hollerback.


Warren B. said...

Christians (and the religious in general, as I was once) are certainly known for their good works. But they're also, almost by definition, people who have chosen a mythology (or being born into the belief in a given mythology) and run with it at though it were the truth. Granted, we are living in dark times in America, with our "pornographic culture" that will inevitably eat away at our collective ability to continue the proverbial "national coversation" if it's not stopped. But we live by the rule of law, not the rule of man, and we are living in a dark time within a dark time, as the political system is being twisted by those who accept mythology as absolute truth and are using said mythology to guide their legal reasoning in spite of reason. Evangelical Christians in particular are at the crux of the issue in America, being that they are in the majority, and therefore in a position to impose the sensibilities of their mythology as somehow truer than the sensibilities of some other mythology. I don't know if you feel this way, but that's what bugs me about religion and its ramifications.

(And unless randomly quoting scripture in casual conversation is particularly bad, I can't say you've ever done anything bad to me. So we're good.)

-- The WB (under my inactive Blogger acct.)

Aarron & Cristine Pina said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. The benefit of the doubt is greatly appreciated. This is not a blog about ad hominem attacks and condemnation and your decency has allowed this to continue as a "safe" place for relevant dialogue. Nice, man.
I want to agree with you, and do, on your point that Christians are known for their good works. Unfortunately, we also have the lovely blights on our records that include: the crusades, more crusades, televangelism, people who have used their power and relationships to do sicker things to the undeserving, etc., etc.
Religion, as we know it, is a dangerous thing. Relationship with God is something amazing. That sounds so stupid. But in a very real way, I get to dig into that relationship in a moment to moment manner that really sounds weird to just about anyone reading this who has not experienced it. Sharing that experience is important to many of us and one of the reasons why we can easily come off as "intrusive" with our faith. (Not to mention the fact that I've always been fairly intrusive to begin with...)
Yes, I accept this mythology as truth, and absolute truth at that. But, deeply imbedded in that truth is a call for the Church (big "c" meaning the "body of believers [yes, I am aware how mystically wierd that, too sounds]) to come together and work out problems and injustices rather than to rely on law to make wrongs right. I oppose, often, many attempts at what appears to be "legislated morality".
A signed law is not like a Fairy Godmother that just changes peoples' hearts and minds. Christians, though many of us regrettably don't practice this, are supposed to change the world by loving others - actively. (The 'good works' that often pop up.)
Can you think of a people, ethnic group, or movement that has recently come under fire for the actions of a few nutty whackjobs who "claim" to represent [Islam, Black America, Hispanic America, Christianity]? You look up at the news and can't help but roll your eyes and say "oh, nnnnnnooo. Not what-his-face..."
There are a ton of "Christians", even pastors, that have repeatedly twisted scripture for their own gain. That's when it's up to us to track their spiritual @$$es down and find the truth, holding them accountable. (Remind me to post sometime about "Christianity is personal, but not meant to be private.")
I must confess, though, I do believe for a variety of reasons and evidences, that this mythology is true. However, I will not force my beliefs on you, but do hope that this kind of dialogue can continue to bring out honest, transparent, gritty, real truths from our respective lives whether it's about porn or Passion. I only hope you will continue, as you gracefully have, to (1) cut me some slack when I get preachy and (2) let me know immediately when it happens so I can come down off my high horse. (I prefer shorter horses. Less distance to fall.)
I'm sorry you've had (I assume) some of the same "bad Christian" experiences I've had. I don't want to be that guy.
Thanks again for posting. That's what this thing's for, and you're welcome here anytime.

Jan said...

I am not what even I refer to as a relious person. I consider myself, and tell all who attempt to "accost" me with their religeon that I have my own beliefs and think I'll keep them. Your blog is refreshing.

Aarron & Cristine Pina said...

Would you be offended if I said "your response is a prayer answered?"
I really look forward to non-adversarial confrontation like that. Thanks for your thoughtful response.
