Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Can I Get a Witness?!

There are dozens of books to be read, studied, and turned into boot camps for those men who take God seriously about living a life of purity in an impure world. Ladies, believe it or not, there are men out there, Christian men, who are walking the walk. But, can I tell you something about the walk? Walking in purity is like crossing the Grand Canyon on a tightrope, on a windy, rainy day, carrying a sofa on your back, with rollerblades on.

And then, some woman you know starts throwing rocks at you!!!

Job is urged by his friends to admit that he has been unrighteous because his friends believe that God is punishing him for it. He reminds them repeatedly that he has done nothing wrong, even stating "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl." (Job 31.1)

For most guys, looking at women lustfully, even in the "wow, she's hot", socially acceptable way, is a pasttime that we have not only grown fond of, but also very skilled at. We can think lustfully about a woman as easily as that woman can drive, talk on her cellphone and do her lipstick - it's second nature.

Unfortunately, once God has revealed to our hearts the importance of purity, we've gotten so second nature at it, it's nearly first nature. While you and your girlfriends are having a 45 minute conversation about that cute little outfit you just got and how Belk had it, but Kohl's had it for less, and you got it in three colors and saved another 10% off the sale price, are you aware that there are godly, Christian men who are trying to cross the Grand Canyon?! You may not even know it, but your cute little outfit is more than cute, it's dang near making us lose our balance!!!

Guys, can you weigh in on this one for me? Are there Christ loving, Proverbs 31 kind of women out there that have the confidence and character that make you lose your mind who unknowingly cause you to stumble? Guys, can you vouch for your brothers, that it doesn't take a pervert to struggle with lust?

Sisters, has a guy ever made you aware that while your sole motive is to look cute when you put it on, some of those outfits you start wearing here in HotLanta around this time of year truly give the devil a foothold? Could we make a deal with you? We'll tell you you're beautiful on demand if you'll just trust that we really mean it and you'll cover up just a little bit? We love you. We love your character. We love your love for the Lord. We love that you love the Lord more than you could ever love us, and we're secure in that.

But, could you give a brutha a hand an cover yourself with the other?!

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