Friday, April 14, 2006

A Horse With No Name...

The song goes: "I've been through the desert on a horse with no name. It felt good to get out of the rain. In the desert, you can remember you name, because there ain't no one for to give you no fame..."

Catchy tune. Catchy lyrics. Yet, we lose the meaning in the midst of our hurried lives. Christ so often went to the desert or a solitary, remote place before a major event or undertaking - did He know something about unplugging from the hurried life that we have failed to notice? Is it possible that a temporary break from status, titles, fame, and the rain and flurry of activity with which we are barraged could help us to recharge?

Yes, this is fairly intuitive. Nothing we need to take notes on, eh?

Or, do we forget? Do we talk ourselves into believing that we are above the laws of nature, society, and physics (all God-given laws) and the "just this one time" principle won't come back and bite us in the butt? How often have you bought that lie? Are you keeping holy the Sabbath? This isn't a look at legalism and you, it's a look at "why did God put that rule out there?" Why would the Sabbath Day be so high up on the list of "only 10 things you need to know from God"?!

That song, by America, is catchy, but what if they recorded it with random tempo changes? How catchy would it be then? Rob Bell explains that God has a rhythm. God. Yes. He worked 6 days and rested 1. He told us to work 6 days and rest 1. Why? Should He really care, or is He just looking to lay down some rules because He wants to toy with us and rule over us? Consistent rhythm is far more impotant than the pace at which we work. Clearly, the Bible insists we work with vigor and urgency but, more importantly, it commands we maintain an even, urgent, 6 on 1 off rhythm.

So, how are you doing? Are you taking inventory of which cars are in the two lanes in front of you so you can plan which one is going to proceed through the stop light fastest? Do you take time to intentionally go to the desert, take a day off, and recharge? Do you take time to reflect on where you are going regardless of your title, status, and other factors that unwittingly drag you down?

Do what you must, but I say detatch once a week, throw your Crackberry in the freezer, forget all the accolades, and recharge. Sabbath. Take a sabbatical from the wolrd. Dedicate yourself to a consistent 6 and 1 rhythm and see how catchy your tune becomes...

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