Friday, April 21, 2006

Ends vs. Means, Part 1

"Perhaps" is such an interesting word for today. It expresses the truth that we are uncertain and hope that something will occur. In this context, it sounds like insanity - 2 men against thousands. Erwin McManus took me on a walk this week through the background music of my thoughtlife - a haunting, ever present descant that reminds me often that while God has a plan for all of us and promises to deliver us, He never promised a safe ride.

No, the God who spoke the universe into being has a more elaborate and convoluted plan than we could ever hope to understand. But, as He is God, and God is the epitome of greatness, why would anything less than God be His priority? I've heard Louie Giglio talk over and over about how God is righteously and rightly "stuck on Himself". That frightens us, at least to some degree.

But, we are urged to do something - anything - the next right thing. And that is what Jonathan does in that passage - as Erwin says, "chasing daylight". Asking the Switchfoot question "this is your life: are you who you want to be"? How would you live if you knew you'd be dying in a week? What kind of chances would you take, thoughts would you think, and how obedient would you be if you knew that God was not letting you off the next plane alive? Could you live for Him? Could you still point to Him, trusting His judgement?

Some of you have already left - walked away, because you blame Him for where you are or who didn't make it. But, this ignores the opportunity with which you have been presented: "Do you trust Me? Will you trust that through the bad, the ugly, and the terrible, I can make it right?"

All men die. Not all men truly live.

What will you do?

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