Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Show Me Some Love

No greater love...

Is there anywhere in the world another faith whose central teaching is that to love and follow the Creator, one must be willing to die for their friends? Is there another faith anywhere in the world wherein the Creator would die for His creation?

I don't have much more to ask you today. I'm just occupied by the thought that Christianity - not the religion, but the act of following Christ, the lifestyle of pursuing the God of the Bible - is not about a lifestyle. It's about an event. It's about a sacrifice, a resurrection, and leaning on that event with one's whole soul. It then follows, that the only logical lifestyle is to love others. I still think I'm lousy at it, but that cross, that cross, that rugged old cross - it keeps bringing me back to the fact that that guy who just cut me off, that girl who's completely immodest, that sales force from a competitive company, I ought to love them as Christ did the church.

"just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy." (somewhere in Ephesians 5. I'm tired. Look it up, I dare you...)

Can you imagine loving God so much that you're willing to love your competition, the lost, the difficult?

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