Monday, May 08, 2006

Don't Worry, Be Happy?

Cast your anxiety on Him.

I've glossed over that verse so many times without paying attention to the fact that God gives us advice on what to do with our anxiety and worry. Worry comes up in the Old and the New Testaments - always in the negative: "Do not worry..." Have you conformed to the pattern of the world that sells the vision of success as the wrinkle free life? Do you believe, like many Christ-followers mistakenly do, that to follow Christ means no fear, no worry, no anxiety?

What's your vision of success? Flawless living? No arguments, no fears, no cares?

I think we fail to read the context in which those things do not exist - that's in heaven that we lose all the worry. I think that God is telling us that worry is normal. It will come into our lives. It will invade our space. It will seek strongholds in our brain. But, when that happens. Don't try to be the hero and fight it. (Is that scripturally sound?) Instead, deposit it at the cross. God calls us to give those thoughts over to Him, to replace those thoughts with "my God is bigger than these things".

Worry always leads to regret. That's my vision of success. That's God's vision of success for our lives. No regrets. Remember, we get to review our movie in heaven with the Director Himself. How will you account for your performance?

So, today, I rejoice in the fact that God is the god of worry. He can take it. He will take it. He wants you to give it to Him.

No more worry. No more regrets.
Praise Christ.

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