Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Talking Behind Your Back

I've commented before on James 5.19-20 and Psalm 27.17 before.

They are favorite portions from God's word that urge His followers to constantly challenge each other when someone is drifting and to challenge each other even when not drifting. In short, "If you love someone, set them free" falls secondary to "If you love someone, don't let them be." But, all the active discussion and leadership by example will be wasted if we fail to talk about them behind their backs.


Yes, that's what I said, but not what you probably heard. In John 17, Christ prays for His disciples - asking God, the Father, to protect them, to sanctify them, and that they may be made like Him. He often went off on His own to pray but the Bible is sketchy on what He prayed for. Do you think He prayed for them from time to time? Said things to God about them to ask His Father to continue to stretch and grow them? Again, sketchy, but a fair assumption.

What do you think His conversation and prayer were like on the day that Peter stepped out of the boat, becoming the only man to sink next to Christ, because He dared to walk on water, too? Do you think He shared with God how great He is for pushing Peter's buttons far enough to get him onto the water in the first place? Do you think He was Peter's greatest cheering squad? The prayers we know nothing about are likely the prayers that manifest themselves in "A-ha!" moments wherein we notice the fruits of previously unnoticed sowing and growing.

Bottom line, growth doesn't happen only from sermons and examples - the encouragement of prayer, unbeknownst to the prayee - catalyses change. So, who are you praying for? Who are you celebrating because of the little victories in their life? Who are you encouraging to God? Who do you care enough about to talk about when they aren't there?

talk to them about them - find out where they are
talk to God about them - ask Him to push them further down the path.

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