Friday, May 05, 2006

Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now

Let's be frank about this - I grew up with a "healthy" degree of skepticism when it came to giving money to the church. I mean, in my denomination, it was all about robes and big hats, stained glass windows and hundred thousand dollar organ lofts, and pomp and circumstance out the wazoo. It just seemed a bit suspect, you follow?

So, it follows naturally, that whenever I looked into scripture and saw commands to give money to support the high priests or saw one of those bible thumpin guys on TV talking about "God wanted me to have a Mercedes..." I was further turned off. Can you relate at all?

So, when I read this piece of scripture, it caught me a bit off guard -
For God is the one who gives seed to the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will give you many opportunities to do good, and he will produce a great harvest of generosity[a] in you. Yes, you will be enriched so that...
So that, if you pray to God and obey all the rules and do a good deed or two when it's convenient, God will rain down that Mercedes and 7,000 square foot home on Lake Lanier just for you...

Wouldn't that be the line that the TV preacher would quote you? Doesn't the Bible say that everything you ask for, God will just give it to you because He made the mistake of giving you the Aramaic Express Black card - "Whatever you ask for in my name..."? I mean, it's His fault. He gave you carte blanche to ask and receive, too bad He didn't know you'd be asking for that 1,001 hp 16 cylinder Bugatti sport.

How big is your God?

The last half of that verse is so crucial. It's not about what you want. read this over once or twice:
Yes, you will be enriched so that you can give even more generously. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will break out in thanksgiving to God.
He gives to us, knowing our hearts. What do you think He's looking for? I believe angels are betting whole galaxies that you'll succeed at using your abundance wisely. I believe demons are tempting us constantly to trick us into believing God gives to us for us. In reality, He's just testing to see how trustworthy we are with a little before He gives us more than we can handle.

Thought for the day, all this in mind:
Take advantage of your advantage to give advantage to the disadvantaged.

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