Friday, June 30, 2006


What do you do when you're under the gun? Focus or fold?

Christ told a story one day that confused the poo out of His followers. He was very good at that, you notice? One day, He starts telling them this story about a guy who's going to lose his job as a CFO. The CFO realizes he's about to be out of a job and so does the proper Christian thing: starts planning for his next career move. (Okay, was that sarcasm?)
He starts calling in debtors and cutting them the "settled in full" deal on what they owed his boss. Christ points out that though this may have been a dishonest maneuver, it created cash flow and showed initiative and craftiness. The CEO's praise of his soon to be fired cashflow manager was not for his dishonesty, but for his "pour on the steam and make something happen"-ness.

If God is our creator, truly a loving Father, and desires for us to live a life unfettered from our own weakness, laziness, and self deceit, do you think it's possible that He knows us better than we do? Why do you think He put that lesson in His word?

When I walk away from this verse, what stays with me is a distinct sense that He wants me to develop a keen sense of the amount of time I do or do not have left here on earth and to act as if it could all be over tomorrow.

How do you react when you know you absolutely, positively, have to get it done right away?

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